Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 ; ; -= Registry Settings can be placed in any of these four locations =- ; -= Select the appropriate location according to your organization =- ; ; [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Timengo\DPGAddIn] ; [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Policies\Timengo\DPGAddIn] ; [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Timengo\DPGAddIn] ; [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Timengo\DPGAddIn] ; ; -= DPG Service Connection Settings =-: ; ; FQDN of the DPG service, e.g. "https://dpg.DOMAIN.NAME:443/api" "RESTUrl"="" ; Value of the System Parameter AddInRestApiUsername "RESTu"="" ; Value of the System Parameter AddInRestApiPassword "RESTp"="" ; ; -= Logging Settings =- ; ; Optional "LoggingUrl"="" ; Additional logging details "VerboseLogging"="false" ; Advanced logging – read all settings before a mail is handled "InitializeBeforeEachMail"="false" ; Can add a header before a mail is sent ;"ExtraHeader"="" ; ; -= Sender List Settings =- ; ; Use ";" (Semicolon) as seperator "FixedMailboxSenders"="" ; Enable that user can send from own mailbox "IncludeOwnMailboxAsSender"="true" ; User can only send from own mailbox "OwnMailboxOnlyAsSender"="false" ; Always prompt user to select the sending mailbox "AlwaysSelectSender"="false" ; Name a specific secure mailbox to always automatically select by default "DefaultSelectedMailbox"="" ; Always select users own mailbox by default "DefaultSelectedMailboxIsOwnMailbox"="false" ; ; -= General GUI Settings =- ; ; Show additional DPG button to directly open Add-In "ExtraOpenButtonVisible"="false" ; Minimal GUI experience "MinimalGui"="false" ; Set time to display for success for MinimalGui "MinimalGuiSuccessIndicationDelayInMillisec"="1000" ; Enable toggle button so Outlook Send button is used when sending mail "ToggleButtonFeatureEnabled"="true" ; Set toggle button to default after sending a mail "ToggleButtonFeatureChangeToDefaultValueAfterMailProcess"="true" ; Lock toggle to default value so user can not change it "ToggleButtonFeatureLockButtonToDefaultValue"="false" ; Set default behavior for toggle button - active or inactive "ToggleButtonFeatureSecureActiveIsDefaultValue"="true" ; Prompt to warn user if toggle button is not active when sending a mail "ToggleButtonFeatureWarnIfSecureIsNotActive"="true" ; ; -= Eboks GUI Settings =- ; ; Hides the eBoks SignedList button "CprCvrListCheckVisible"="false" ; Hides the Eboks section "EboksVisible"="false" ; Hides the Eboks signature checkbox "RequestEboksSignatureVisible"="false" ; ; -= NgDP GUI settings =- ; ; Hides the NgDP section "NgDPVisible"="false" ; Enables button that make it easy to copy subject to Case ID "NgDpMoveSubjectToCaseIdButtonVisible"="false" ; Only for authorities with permission to send legal notifications (FDF) "NgDPLegalNotificationVisible"="false" ; Set default behavior for ”Tillad retursvar” checkbox "NgDpReplyAllowedSet"="false" ; Controls if a notification window is shown when forwarding NgDP Memo ; messages as an email to internal mail recipients only "WarnSendingNgDpToInternalRecipients"="false" ; ; -= GUI settings =- ; ; Hides the section "MitdkVisible"="false" ;Enables button that make it easy to copy subject to Case ID "MitdkMoveSubjectToCaseIdButtonVisible"="false" ; Set default behavior for "Tillad retursvar" checkbox "MitdkReplyAllowedSet"="false" ; Controls if a notification window is shown when forwarding Memo ; messages as an email to internal mail recipients only "WarnSendingMitdkToInternalRecipients"="false" ; It is possible to specify a time deadline for when the signature request must be signed. Make the time selection visible in the DPG com add-in. "MitdkSignatureDisableDueDateHoursOfDayAndUseEndOfDay"="false" ; When requesting a signature, a date for the latest possible signing time is specified. The default setting is set to 8 days ahead. "MitdkSignatureDueDateDefaultAddDays"="8" ; Select the time deadline for when the signature request must be signed. (default is 0 if not specified). "MitdkSignatureDueDateDefaultHoursOfDay"="23" ; ; -= Deprecated settings. Kept for historical logging =- ; ; Centralised rest api for the dpg ;"AddressbookUrl"="" ; Show or hide addressbook button ;"AddressbookVisible"="false" ; Requires Legacy and deprecated domain based tunnelmail transport rules! ; "itemSendEventActive"="false" ; Sends part of messages from user's own mailbox. Legacy Option. ;"SendToOmeRecipientsAsSeperateMail"="false" ; Sends part of messages from user's own mailbox. Legacy Option. ;"SendToTlsRecipientsAsSeperateMail"="false" ; Deprecated since DPGAddIn version 2.0.0 ; "ReplyButtonVisible"="false" ; Deprecated since DPGAddIn version 2.0.0 ; "DefaultReplyAllowed"="false" ; Update mail details in original mail if returning to mail ;"UpdateSenderWhenReturnToMailIsClicked"="false"